Sleep On It

Product of Your Environment Eight Hours of Fame Pillowcase: Perfect for narcoleptic couch potatoes.

Urban Outfitters Blondie Pillowcase Set: Because I've got a bit of a Debbie Harry fixation.

Urban Outfitters Good Nite Set: I bought these for my brother for Christmas, paired with a new black duvet. Let's face it - most men's bedding is awful.

Branch Handmade Vintage Pocket Watch Set: Another fab Etsy find. They also do feathers, xo, motorcycles, and fishing boat prints.

Happy Groundhog Day

Yes, the little twerp saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter.

Yes, he's still pretty darn cute.

As are the MisNopalesArt tote and tee and Spread the Love card I found on Etsy. Aren't they the perfect complements to a little Ned Ryerson action?

Love Will Tear Us Apart Again

Here's one for you single ladies: Single Minded Women's Anti-Valentine's Day Gift Guide. Bitter conversation hearts, "Love Stinks" pjs, faux's everything a flying solo gal needs on this harsh holiday.